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Seasonal Fees

What's Included

  • 8 Seasonal Resort Passes for access to the waterpark, beaches, Funplex, fitness centre, clubhouses, lounges, sports courts and mini-golf
  • Unlimited guest passes available for your friends and family to visit! Plus, anyone with a Seasonal Resort Pass can sign-in a guest for access to all facilities/amenities!
  • 2 swipe cards for resort entry
  • A jam-packed entertainment schedule for adults, family, and children of all ages. Click here for the current events calendar!
  • Discounts on resort amenities and activities including Boston Pizza
  • 24-hour security 365 days/year
  • Resort maintenance , landscaping, lawn cutting & garbage pick-up
  • 20% off cottage & camping vacations for your friends and family (Excludes holiday weekends and luxury accommodations)
  • Picnic areas, walking trails, 2 dog parks, dog beach, and beach boardwalk
  • Golf Cart Sales & Rentals on-site
  • Grocery Store & Laundry facilities on-site
  • Free resort-wide Wi-Fi


Due Dates & Billing

Seasonal fees are billed each year, with a non-refundable $750 deposit due November 1st. The remainder is due April 1st. 

Each year, prior to November 1st, a notice to pay will be sent via email, outlining the amount due for the upcoming season. 

Bills and/or the notice to pay are not sent by mail unless requested.



We have historically seen increases to our seasonal fees on a yearly basis. These rates are reviewed and adjusted annually. Increases are typically finalized at the end of the season, and communicated via email in your "Notice to Pay" letter.


Page last updated: May 21, 2021