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Golf Cart Rules & General Information


  • Golf carts must be battery operated and have working headlights and taillights. Headlights and taillights must be in use from dusk til dawn.
  • Golf carts must have $1,000,000 CAD public liability insurance.
  • All drivers of golf carts must be 18 years of age or older.
  • The number of people on a golf cart is determined by the number of seats available on the cart. Standing up is not permitted. Every person must have a proper seat. Golf carts are not permitted to tow a skateboard, bike or scooter.
  • Open alcohol is not permitted on golf carts. Unopened and sealed containers of alcohol are permitted, but must be out of reach of the driver. Glass containers are not permitted in any circumstances on golf carts.
  • Those found driving a golf cart without meeting these requirements will be issued a fine and possible removal from the resort.
  • Golf carts are classified as motor vehicles under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and Criminal Code of Canada and as such, criminal charges are applicable to golf carts, even on private property.
  • All traffic laws must be followed, included but not limited to abiding by the posted speed limit of 15 km/h, stopping at stop signs and following direction of one way streets.
  • Drivers may not leave the resort by golf cart.
  • Entry to the resort via golf cart will not be permitted.

Please remember! There are many pedestrians and young children playing and it’s imperative to operate your golf cart in a safe manner. Please do your part to help keep the resort safe for everyone.



All golf carts within Sherkston Shores must be registered. The maximum number of carts registered per site is two. A golf cart registration sticker will be delivered to your site to you after registration is received and processed. When you receive the registration sticker, affix it to your golf cart as proof of registration.  It should be placed at the front or rear of your golf carts in an area that is easily visible.  This sticker assists the Security Team in identifying your golf cart, as many do not have a serial number or VIN.

Ways to Register

Online: Click here to register your golf cart online.

Please complete one registration per golf cart.

➡ All carts must be registered online no later than June 24th. Unregistered carts after this date will be subject to a fine as per the LOC. 



Unless included as part of a private rental, the rental of golf carts is prohibited and any fines associated with the contravention of the rules involving Golf Carts will be assigned to the trailer owner.

The only business permitted to rent golf carts in the resort is Birdie Golf Carts



Page last updated: May 17, 2023