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Rules & Regulations

It is our goal at Sherkston Shores to provide services and products which enable all of our guests to enjoy Seasonal Occupancy or family vacations in a safe, secure and enjoyable environment. These Site Alterations are written in everyone’s best interest to achieve that goal. If you are ever in doubt about any issue on the resort please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the resort management team.

In order to maintain the high standards of the resorts’ appearance and to ensure the safety of all seasonal occupants and their guests ALL exterior work must receive prior written approval from Sherkston Shores.

Sherkston Shores reserves the right to amend these specifications from time to time.

Work can be completed by yourself or a contractor of your choice who has been approved by Sherkston

If you choose to use a contractor please note that:

  • Work conducted by outside contractors is not permitted on weekends, public holidays or before 8am or after 6pm, unless authorized by Sherkston Shores.
  • A list of authorized contractors is available here: Authorized Contractors
  • To receive approval all contractors are required to meet Health and Safety, TSSA, CSA, ESA and WSIB regulations and must provide an insurance certificate with $2,000,000 liability coverage.
  • It is the responsibility of the contractor to remove all waste from the resort. Any contractor caught disposing of waste materials within the resort will result in a fine in accordance with Schedule B and charged to the Seasonal Occupant.

Work conducted without a permit or not in accordance with an approved permit is subject to a fine in accordance with Schedule C and all alterations will need to be removed or altered.

All construction materials and debris must be removed from the resort.

Specific work restrictions are subject to further set back and site line requirements. All structures must be set back from any road by 4’ or more.

All costs associated with site alterations are the sole responsibility of the seasonal occupant.

With the exception of trees all ongoing maintenance costs associated with any site alteration are the sole responsibility of the seasonal occupant.

Where material types are noted no other material type is permitted.

Sites must be kept clean and free of debris and/or garbage during construction/renovations.


  • Submit a Site Alteration Application to Sherkston Shores along with applicable drawings. 
    Online Form: Click here
  • Drawings must include all applicable dimensions related to the work to be completed along with a 4 sided orientation and setback distances from existing structures and roadways.
  • A list of material types to be used must be provided.
  • If a City Building Permit is required an approval letter from Sherkston Shores must be attached to your
    application to the City.
  • Upon receipt of an application a site inspection will be performed by Sherkston Shores. Sherkston Shores will either approve, amend or deny the application.
  • Approvals are given within 10 working days.
  • Upon approval, a permit will be delivered to your site. The permit must be posted in a window visible from the road before any work may begin.
  • The permit must remain posted until the work has been completed and received a final inspection.
  • An inspection may be required midway through the project.
  • Upon completion of your project a final inspection is required.
  • Upon satisfactory completion of the work, the permit will be closed. Work completed that is not as described will be charged a fee of $200 and you will be required to correct any and all deficiencies.


  • RV Sites are permitted to have one (1) shed not to exceed 56 sq ft, no higher than 74” and built from either resin or wood with a finished exterior.
    • Shed size may be up to 100 sq ft and no higher than 110" if placed at the rear of the site and not obstructing any views.
  • Canvas storage sheds / tents for storage are not permitted.
  • All other sites are permitted to have one (1) shed. Any existing shed(s) must be removed no later than the completion of the new shed.
  • Upon completion of framing, a work inspection is required before any further work may proceed.
  • A wooden shed with a finished exterior not exceeding 100 sq feet and 74” high may be built into the footprint of the deck.
  • A resin or wooden shed with a finished exterior not exceeding 100 sq ft. and no more than 110” high may be located at the rear of the site.
  • Constructed sheds must have a roof that is finished in asphalt shingles or metal.
  • Sheds should serve no further purpose other than possession storage.
  • Metal sheds are not permitted.


  • A City Building permit is required if the deck is 2’ or higher.
  • Decks/platforms less than 2' require a Sherkston Shores permit.
  • All decks are to be built in sections not exceeding 12’ x 12’ and installed on deck blocks. The combined width of the deck and trailer cannot exceed 24’.
  • The length of the deck cannot exceed the length of the trailer plus 12’ on both ends and must be set back from any road by 4’ or more.
  • Ground level decks outside of the allowable area are not permitted.
  • Privacy deck fences cannot exceed 6’ in height from the surface of the deck.
  • Allowable heights may be lower and will be determined based on site lines.
  • Upon completion of framing a work inspection is required before further work may proceed.
  • No sonotube construction is permitted.


  • Each trailer and deck must be skirted with only metal or wood skirting boards.

Deck Railings

  • Must be in accordance with the Ontario Building Code.
  • Railings installed on decks less than 24" require a Sherkston Shores permit.
  • Railings installed on decks greater than 24" require a Sherkston Shores permit AND City permit.


  • A City Building permit is required for the addition of an add-a-room.
  • Add-a-rooms are allowed in all areas of the park with the exception of the first two rows from the water on Wyldewood.
  • Add-a-rooms can only be installed on a park model vacation cottage.
  • Add-a-rooms must be pre-engineered.
  • Timber or canvas add-a-rooms are not permitted.
  • Must be installed by an authorized contractor.

Hard Roofs

  • A City Building permit is required for the installation or addition of a hard roof.
  • A hard roof can only be installed on a park model vacation cottage/RV.
  • Hard roofs must be pre-engineered and pre-fabricated.
  • Timber, canvas, or temporary hard roofs are not permitted.
  • Must be installed by an authorized contractor.

Screened-in Porch

  • Permission can be granted for seasonal occupants to screen in their front porch if it has an existing overhang.


  • Permitted only on deck & must be lag bolted down.
  • Must not exceed 108 sq ft.
  • Only one permitted per site.

Trees, Shrubbery & Gardens

  • All flowerbeds must be contained within a 3ft perimeter around the trailer. Ongoing maintenance of any bushes or trees within this area are the sole responsibility of the seasonal occupant.
  • Approval will be given based on aesthetics and site lines & type of shrubbery, flowers & tree requested.

Walkways, Driveways & Patios

  • May be constructed out of gravel, interlocking brick or patio stones. Concrete or asphalt is not permitted.
  • Once complete, the walkway, driveway or patio may not be removed unless the ground is restored to its original condition. It is the Seasonal Occupants duty to maintain any such walkways, driveways and patios in a safe condition and the Seasonal Occupant will be responsible for any accidents that may occur due to neglect.

Fire Pits

  • Must be located 10’ from an ignition source and are limited to 2’ deep and 3’ diameter.


  • Wheel chair ramps must be built to Ontario Building Code.


  • Fences are not permitted on or surrounding individual sites.

Personal Pools

  • Pools of any size or material on sites and/or common areas are not allowed within the resort.


Page last updated: April 17, 2024