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10 Year Gas Inspection

In accordance with Ontario Regulation 212/01 “Gaseous Fuels” Section 16 a safety inspection of your propane service is required at least once every ten (10) years. We will notify you when your park model/RV is due for this inspection. 

There are two contractors available to complete these inspections:

Empire RV; [email protected] or (905) 933-7733. 

Comfort Zone Gas Services; [email protected] or (905) 994-2500

You will be billed accordingly by your company of choice.

As an alternative, you can arrange to have the inspection completed by another licensed technician of your choosing.  If you choose to use another contractor, they must provide the necessary certificates and licences and to obtain the prescribed inspection form and instructions.

If an inspection is not completed by the due date, we will be unable to deliver propane to your site, so we recommend you schedule your appointments and carry out any necessary repairs as quickly as possible.


Page last updated: May 1, 2021